
Product Description:A nanowire is a nanostructure, with the diameter of the order of a nanometer (10?9 meters). Alternatively, nanowirescan be defined as structures that have a thickness or diameter constrained to tens of nanometers or less and an unconstrained length. Wires have more surface area per weight than particles. Blue Nano’s wires are single crystalline and of the highest quality. Wires have more surface area per weight than particles. All wires/particles are not created equal; you will notice differences in price, purity, content and other parameters. Some very inexpensive particles will very greatly in size, smoothness and may even be a polymer coated with silver.Silver is a metallic chemical element with the chemical symbol Ag (Latin: argentum) and atomic number 47. A soft,white, lustrous transition metal, it has the highest electrical conductivity of any element and the highest thermal conductivity of any metal. The metal occurs naturally in its pure, free form (native silver), as an alloy with gold and other metals, and in minerals such as argentite and chlorargyrite.