激光精密螺旋焊接技术及其焊点性能研究.pdf - 杨尚磊
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稀土氧化物CeO2对PEG基MEMS封装材料阳极键合性能的影响.pdf - 于秀秀
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汽车轻量化异质铝合金激光-电弧复合焊接接头组织性能研究.pdf - 于佳敏
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不锈钢极薄带表面化学改性增强其与环氧树脂结合性能.pdf - 王亚珂
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17-4PH与316L异种不锈钢激光焊接头组织及耐蚀性能研究.pdf - 唐明梅
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温度梯度下Cu/Sn-xAg/Cu微焊点界面反应研究.pdf - 乔媛媛
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硅烷偶联剂处理碳纤维增强树脂基材料/铝合金摩擦搭接焊界面结合机理.pdf - 姜春阳
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Laser oscillation-assisted cold metal transfer hybrid welding was conducted on 2.0 mm thick 6082 and a new 6xxx aluminum alloys. The influence of wire composition onmicrostructure and mechanical properties of the 6082 and new 6xxx alloy joints is studied.Our results show that, due to the difference in surface tension, the cross section of a jointfilled with ER4047 wire typically presents a wi 展开更多+
Laser oscillation-assisted cold metal transfer hybrid welding was conducted on 2.0 mm thick 6082 and a new 6xxx aluminum alloys. The influence of wire composition onmicrostructure and mechanical properties of the 6082 and new 6xxx alloy joints is studied.Our results show that, due to the difference in surface tension, the cross section of a jointfilled with ER4047 wire typically presents a wider U-shape profile, while the ER5183 filledjoint shows a relatively narrower V-shape profile. 收起+
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