微流控技术在工业废水在线监测中的应用与创新.pdf - 周渊
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生物炭阻控稀土矿区重金属污染效应及机制研究.pdf - 田帅
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基于催化界面工程的新污染物高效捕集与转化技术.pdf - 魏卡佳
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废酸资源化处置利用概述.pdf - 钱钧
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Research into miniaturization is primarily driven by the need to reduce costs by reducing the consumption of expensive reagents and by increasing throughput and automation. By reducing reagent consumption by a factor of 103–104, these devices could provide dramatic savings for the repetitive assays often performed in diagnostic laboratories. In the same way that integrated circuits allowed fo 展开更多+
Research into miniaturization is primarily driven by the need to reduce costs by reducing the consumption of expensive reagents and by increasing throughput and automation. By reducing reagent consumption by a factor of 103–104, these devices could provide dramatic savings for the repetitive assays often performed in diagnostic laboratories. In the same way that integrated circuits allowed for the miniaturization of computers from the size of a room to the size of a notebook 收起+
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