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The melt conductivity increases with the increase of temperature. Nb is mainly +5 valence state in the melt of this article, and exists in the form of [NbO6]7- octahedron as a network modifier. Therefore, with the increase of Nb2O5 content, the degree of polymerization of the melt decreases, the conductivity increases, and the activation energy of the conductivity gradually decreases. 展开更多+
The melt conductivity increases with the increase of temperature. Nb is mainly +5 valence state in the melt of this article, and exists in the form of [NbO6]7- octahedron as a network modifier. Therefore, with the increase of Nb2O5 content, the degree of polymerization of the melt decreases, the conductivity increases, and the activation energy of the conductivity gradually decreases. 收起+
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